Model ID: a63f5a9b-3d8c-4624-b0fb-3356005f220c Sitecore Context Id: b5f3bd4a-948e-486c-845c-215f716e1153;

Sian Chay Medical Institution Partners NTUC U SME

The company cements its commitment to improve both their workplace and workers’ prospects with a partnership with NTUC U SME.
Model ID: a63f5a9b-3d8c-4624-b0fb-3356005f220c Sitecore Context Id: b5f3bd4a-948e-486c-845c-215f716e1153;

Sian Chay Medical Institution signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with NTUC U SME on 17 July 2020, cementing the institution’s commitment to improve both their workplace and workers’ prospects.

With this signing, Sian Chay will be treated like any unionised company, with both NTUC U SME and Healthcare Services Employees’ Union (HSEU) supporting the company on any industrial relations matters.

Sian Chay has also committed to sponsor union membership for their 80-strong workforce for a full year. They will all be general branch members.

Sian Chay Medical Institution Chairman Toh Soon Huat said that the company aims to establish a strong relationship between employees and management, improve staff welfare and enhance its competitiveness.

“We understand the need to continuously upgrade the skills and knowledge of our staff. We treat our staff as family and want them to learn new and better skills in their work, so that ultimately, it is our patients who benefit,” said Mr Toh.

NTUC U SME will work with the company to ensure that the terms and conditions of employment for all employees will not be less favourable than those stipulated by the Employment Act, or any other labour legislated acts.

Significance of the Signing

With the MOU, NTUC Assistant Director-General Yeo Guat Kwang said that Sian Chay recognises that NTUC U SME and HSEU will come in to support the company to redesign jobs, ensure the welfare of workers and to give training opportunities.

Mr Yeo stated U SME works with different unions and departments to reach out to SMEs to establish relationships. To date, U SME has helped unionise 84 SMEs, benefitting some 5,530 workers.

He also said that U SME has and will continue to help SMEs during trying times.

“Throughout the past few months, U SME staff have been engaging the SMEs. The staff did not allow the circuit breaker measures to stop them from reaching out and communicating with the SMEs,” he said.

Collaboration with HSEU

HSEU President K Thanaletchimi said that the union hopes to work with Sian Chay in four broad areas, namely:

Advocacy – providing Sian Chay with the platform to voice their concerns in the healthcare eco-system and expanding their network opportunities.

Protection – securing an affordable, cost effective professional indemnity insurance for the TCM practitioners.

Training and Education – organising programmes for the Sian Chay’s staff via the Healthcare Academy, especially in areas of adaptive and technical skills.

TCM awareness – creating opportunities for mainstream healthcare staff to learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as an alternative medicine.